Miniloft_02 | Enrico Molteni

Milan / Italy / 2022

3 Love 945 Visits Published

The project for the Miniloft in via San Simpliciano moves from the request to change the entire state of affairs. The most important decision is to remove the spiral staircase and bring the services to the basement, leaving the mezzanine floor free.

The L-shaped configuration of the space, with two windows on the facade, has led to the definition of three areas of regular shape, with the possibility of being functionally defined: the entrance / TV, the kitchen / study and the bedroom / access to services.

The three areas are marked in the ceiling through two lines that define a cross in the corner, determined by the guide of the sliding panel and by the light, embedded in the acoustic ceiling.

The large sliding panel is made of 40mm polycarbonate with a metal structure.

The staircase, placed along a wall, was made of steel, with a supporting structure in tubular 80mm in diameter.

The design of the basement originated from an inexplicable existing curved wall and from the hole left in the slab after the removal of the previous spiral staircase.

A series of curved fittings and the exedra shower, with the circular skylight, create an underground environment in counterpoint to the orthogonality of the upper floor.

The color chosen for all the steel parts, light blue, emphasizes the more autonomous elements of the project while the oak wood and the prevalence of white remain as a more neutral background.

This second mini-loft, almost contemporary to the one in via Vivaio, was an opportunity to work on minimal interiors, for a single person, in which some elements, such as the staircase, are re-proposed, identical and different at the same time.

Giulio Boem

Collaborators: arch. Alessandro Ferrazzano, geom. Paolo Toresani

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    The project for the Miniloft in via San Simpliciano moves from the request to change the entire state of affairs. The most important decision is to remove the spiral staircase and bring the services to the basement, leaving the mezzanine floor free. The L-shaped configuration of the space, with two windows on the facade, has led to the definition of three areas of regular shape, with the possibility of being functionally defined: the entrance / TV, the kitchen / study and the bedroom / access...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Interior Design / Lofts/Penthouses / Refurbishment of apartments
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