Studio Campa | Ö - Michela Ekström
Rome / Italy / 2022
The restyling of a doctor’s office in a 1970s building in Trastevere became a challenge that addressed the relationship between the interior and the urban fabric. The flat had a very strong tendency towards introversion. The glass was opaque, what was outside the window had to stay outside. The theme of relationship, of dialogue with the place, therefore, became the main theme of the project. The typological rigidity of the space is thus broken through an interplay of mirrors which, developing along a broken line, give a dynamism to the space by multiplying the reflected images, almost as if they were pieces of a film. What is outside therefore now enters inside, superimposing its own forms, materials, and light.
The interior space, characterized by white surfaces and rigorous bespoke joinery volumes, thus accommodates in its abstract purity the rhythm and variation of the exterior façades.
The interior space, characterized by white surfaces and strict custom-made joinery volumes, thus accommodates in its abstract purity the rhythm and variation of the exterior façades.
The materials chosen are travertine for the entrance counter, which visually relates with the base of the facing façades, brown matt transparent lacquered mdf for the joinery elements in the entrance area, and green matt transparent lacquered Valchromat panels for the medical rooms. The decision to work with wood-derived panels, leaving their imperfection bare and visible, is part of the design approach that denotes a critical stance with respect to the practice, plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine. A desire to physically and sensorially 'represent' the concept of imperfect and authentic beauty.
L’intervento di restyling di uno studio medico in un palazzo degli anni 70 a Trastevere si è trasformato in una sfida che ha affrontato il tema rapporto tra interno e tessuto urbano. L’appartamento aveva una tendenza fortissima all’introversione. I vetri erano opachi, ciò che era fuori dalla finestra doveva rimanere fuori. Il tema del rapporto, del dialogo con il luogo, è diventato quindi il tema principale del progetto. La rigidità tipologica dello spazio viene quindi rotta attraverso un gioco di specchi che, sviluppandosi lungo una linea spezzata, vanno a conferire un dinamismo allo spazio moltiplicando le immagini riflesse, quasi fossero spezzoni di una pellicola. Ciò che sta fuori quindi ora entra dentro, sovrapponendo forme, materiali, luci proprie.
Lo spazio interno, caratterizzato da superfici bianche e da rigorosi volumi in falegnameria su misura, accoglie quindi nella sua purezza astratta il ritmo e la variazione delle facciate esterne.
I materiali scelti sono il travertino per il bancone di ingresso, che si relaziona visivamente con il basamento delle facciate prospicenti, l’mdf marrone laccato trasparente opaco per gli elementi in falegnameria della zona dell’ingresso e i pannelli valchromat verdi laccati trasparenti opachi per le sale mediche. La scelta di lavorare con i pannelli derivati del legno lasciando nuda e visibile la propria l’imperfezione, fa parte dell’approccio progettuale che denota una posizione critica rispetto a quello che è l’ambito dello studio, la chirurgia plastica e la medicina estetica. Una volontà di “rappresentare” fisicamente e sensorialmente il concetto di bellezza imperfetta e autentica.
The restyling of a doctor’s office in a 1970s building in Trastevere became a challenge that addressed the relationship between the interior and the urban fabric. The flat had a very strong tendency towards introversion. The glass was opaque, what was outside the window had to stay outside. The theme of relationship, of dialogue with the place, therefore, became the main theme of the project. The typological rigidity of the space is thus broken through an interplay of mirrors which,...
- Year 2022
- Work finished in 2022
- Status Completed works
- Type Offices/studios / Interior Design / Refurbishment of apartments