GUISANTE ROJO | Paloma Bau Studio
Valencia / Spain / 2022
Project of renovation and extension of a small tavern into a restaurant in the traditional neighbourhood of El Cabanyal, in Valencia city.
The project focuses on the connection between the pre-existing space and the new site and premises, located in the adjoining ground floor. The impossibility of tearing down the wall that separates both locations, and being allowed only to open of a small passageway through the wall, makes this element the link between the two spaces.
The use of mirrors creates a false sense of continuity between both spaces, although they are only connected through a small door.
The wall that separates these spaces is now housing a large wine cellar, promoting the use of burgundy color for the coatings of both rooms, but in opposite walls. Which in an unreal world, would invade the entire space of this shade.
The green pavement, born from the tiles of the original bar, also acts as a connecting element of both spaces.
Finally, the new premises appear as a reflection of the first, imitating its vaulted ceiling in the form of a large lamp, designed expressly by the studio, and built by a Fallas artist.
Proyecto de reforma y ampliación de una pequeña taberna en el barrio del Cabanyal, Valencia.
El proyecto se centra en la conexión del espacio existente y el nuevo local, ubicado en el bajo colindante. La imposibilidad de derribar el muro que los separa, en el que solo se permite la apertura de un pequeño paso, convierte a este elemento, en el nexo de unión de los dos espacios.
Mediante el uso de espejos, generamos la prolongación de ambos espacios, creando una falsa sensación de continuidad de los mismos, aunque a su vez real, ya que se conectan a través de una pequeña puerta.
El muro que los une y los separa, se engrosa albergando una gran vinoteca, que nos impulsa al uso del color burdeos para los revestimientos de ambas salas, pero en paramentos contrarios. Lo que en un mundo irreal, invadiría todo el espacio de esta tonalidad.
El pavimento verde, que nace del azulejo de la barra original, actúa también como elemento de conexión de ambos espacios.
Por último, el nuevo local, aparece como reflejo del primero, imitando su forjado abovedado, en forma de una gran lámpara diseñada ex profeso por el estudio, y construida por un artista fallero.
Project of renovation and extension of a small tavern into a restaurant in the traditional neighbourhood of El Cabanyal, in Valencia city.The project focuses on the connection between the pre-existing space and the new site and premises, located in the adjoining ground floor. The impossibility of tearing down the wall that separates both locations, and being allowed only to open of a small passageway through the wall, makes this element the link between the two spaces.The use of mirrors creates...
- Year 2022
- Work started in 2022
- Work finished in 2022
- Status Completed works
- Type Restaurants / Interior Design
- Website