Galaxy Hengtang Clubhouse | Gennaro De Angelis, AGD

...designed by AGD interiors Suzhou / China / 2020

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Suzhou Autumn Maze
Aspasia (a Greek name meaning “the desired one”) said wisely, that the spirit of beauty flows, only where the proportions are harmonious.
Floating Harmony. Natural Balance

Walking under the maidenhair trees in Autumn is gorgeous as the leaves mesh from different tones, colorful, to arrive at that final deep yellow, often symbolizing “the Harmonious Girl” who opened the mood. Ancient and modern literati, poetry and songs are often themed with Autumn surrounded by maidenhair leaves from the September of “Paradise on Earth” of Suzhou, in the East of China.

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    2021 DRIVEN X DESIGN SILVER AWARD [Paris, France] Suzhou Autumn MazeAspasia (a Greek name meaning “the desired one”) said wisely, that the spirit of beauty flows, only where the proportions are harmonious.Floating Harmony. Natural Balance Walking under the maidenhair trees in Autumn is gorgeous as the leaves mesh from different tones, colorful, to arrive at that final deep yellow, often symbolizing “the Harmonious Girl” who opened the mood. Ancient and modern literati,...

    Project details
    • Year 2020
    • Work started in 2020
    • Work finished in 2020
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Multi-purpose Cultural Centres / Pavilions / Exhibition Design / Showrooms/Shops / Bars/Cafés / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Lighting Design / Leisure Centres / Private clubs/recreation centres / Book shops / Media Libraries / Furniture design
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