WATERFRONT LA SPEZIA La Spezia / Italy / 2007

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The design of the new maritime front creates an urban fabric with mixed uses - residential, tertiary and commercial - perfectly equipped with public services. Public space becomes the real connective with the existing fabric. The project intervention, aims to restore the connection between the city and the sea, denied for a long time by the presence of port facilities and redefine the uses of the Calata Paita area. The project adopts strategies such as the layout of a new coastline, the concentration of services in strategic areas and the burial of vehicular traffic, so that on the surface, around a cordon of green spaces, predominate pedestrian access to the front maritime.


Il disegno del nuovo fronte marittimo crea un tessuto anche urbano con usi misti – residenziali, terziari e commerciali – perfettamente dotato di servizi pubblici. Lo spazio pubblico diventa il vero connettivo con il tessuto esistente. 
L’intervento in progetto, si propone di ristabilire la connessione tra la città ed il mare negata, per molto tempo, dalla presenza d’impianti portuali e di ridefinire gli usi dell’area di Calata Paita. Il progetto adotta strategie come il tracciato di una nuova linea di costa, la concentrazione dei servizi in ambiti strategici e l’interramento del traffico veicolare, in modo che in superficie, attorno ad un cordone di spazi verdi, predomini l’accesso pedonale al fronte marittimo.

Architects: L. Dolmetta, S. Rizzo, D. Cupioli, M. Lodi, Nihon Sekkei Inc., KK a.a., N. Pisani
Designers CAD: G. Cerminara, L. Del Gaudio, B. Del Vigo, M. Nozziglia, G. Pisani, L. Taglè
Client: Port Authority of La Spezia (SP)

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    The design of the new maritime front creates an urban fabric with mixed uses - residential, tertiary and commercial - perfectly equipped with public services. Public space becomes the real connective with the existing fabric. The project intervention, aims to restore the connection between the city and the sea, denied for a long time by the presence of port facilities and redefine the uses of the Calata Paita area. The project adopts strategies such as the layout of a new coastline, the...

    Project details
    • Year 2007
    • Client Comune La Spezia
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Waterfront / River and coastal redevelopment
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