BICYCLE LANE IN GENOA Genoa / Italy / 2019

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Super11 it’s an innovative infrastructure for cycling, running and walking that develops on the ground and partially on raised platform. It is conceived as a means to achieve urban regeneration and to connect strategic areas of Genoa’s central waterfront. The 11Km pathway aims to support soft mobility and an active lifestyle, as well as the promotion of tourism in the city. The route runs from Sampierdarena district to Boccadasse hamlet touching some of the major symbols of Genoa, such as the lighthouse (La Lanterna), or the Principe Palace (Palazzo Principe).


La SUPER11 è una infrastruttura innovativa, a raso e su tratti sopraelevati dedicata alla ciclabili ed alla corsa/passeggiata, volta a riqualificare e connettere ambiti strategici della città di Genova collocati lungo i diversi tratto del waterfront centrale della città. Ha sviluppo di 11 Km e mira a favorire la mobilità dolce, la promozione turistica della città, lo sport in bici ed a  piedi per bambini e famiglie. Parte dal quartier e di Sampierdarena ed arriva fino al borgo di Boccadasse toccando alcuni dei più importanti simboli di Genova, tra cui la Lanterna e Palazzo Principe.


Architects: L. Dolmetta, S. Rizzo
Engineers: E. Evaso, G. Moncalvo
Geologist: Geosarc A. De Stefanis
Designers CAD: A. Adavastro, M. Vignola
Client: Confprofessioni Liguria (GE)

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    Super11 it’s an innovative infrastructure for cycling, running and walking that develops on the ground and partially on raised platform. It is conceived as a means to achieve urban regeneration and to connect strategic areas of Genoa’s central waterfront. The 11Km pathway aims to support soft mobility and an active lifestyle, as well as the promotion of tourism in the city. The route runs from Sampierdarena district to Boccadasse hamlet touching some of the major symbols of Genoa,...

    Project details
    • Year 2019
    • Client Confroprofessioni Liguria
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Waterfront / Urban Furniture / Feasibility Studies / Bridges and Walkways / Cycle Paths
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