Residence MJ and MS | CONCEPT Architects

Slovakia / 2019

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Residence MJ and MS
Residence MJ and MS was completed in 2019. The site area is 6774 m2, the project area is 688,29 m2 and 350,56 m2. The project team consisted of Ing. Arch. Peter Kopják, INg Kitti Iván and Ing. Beata Harisová. The interior design was made by NARA s.r.o. The landscaping was done by CONCEPT Architects. The visualization was made by ARK viz s.r.o

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    Residence MJ and MSResidence MJ and MS was completed in 2019. The site area is 6774 m2, the project area is 688,29 m2 and 350,56 m2. The project team consisted of Ing. Arch. Peter Kopják, INg Kitti Iván and Ing. Beata Harisová. The interior design was made by NARA s.r.o. The landscaping was done by CONCEPT Architects. The visualization was made by ARK viz s.r.o

    Project details
    • Year 2019
    • Work finished in 2019
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Multi-family residence
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