ONO Sushi restaurant Mantua | ghiroldidesign srl

Restyling 2022 Mantova / Italy / 2022

11 Love 1,522 Visits Published

The project involves the stylistic renewal and the best redefinition of spaces and routes based on the new needs that arose after the first opening dating back to 2012. The main requirement was the reduction of seats and the return of a more intimate atmosphere and private for the tables. Soft lights and tips aimed at the tables, very dark shades and the use of pure materials such as raw waxed iron and black-stained wood restore intimacy to the environment. The only note of color is cobalt blue, memory of ancient oriental ceramics, used to highlight the beams and supporting pillars on which the sushi counter covered in milled black-stained wood rests to recall the rhythm of the Makisu (bamboo strip mat used for the preparation of the maki). The privacy of the tables is guaranteed by the insertion of black aluminum panels (Levante by ADLdesign) in horizontal strips with a regular, precise and elegant pitch. A new space dedicated to the wine cellar made of transparent glass with black shelving and refrigerated display cases becomes the element of detachment between the "private" part of the restaurant and the more convivial and public tatami room made entirely of natural oak.

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    The project involves the stylistic renewal and the best redefinition of spaces and routes based on the new needs that arose after the first opening dating back to 2012. The main requirement was the reduction of seats and the return of a more intimate atmosphere and private for the tables. Soft lights and tips aimed at the tables, very dark shades and the use of pure materials such as raw waxed iron and black-stained wood restore intimacy to the environment. The only note of color is cobalt...

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