Doha Tower | Ateliers Jean Nouvel

The Best Tall Building in Middle East & Africa 2012 by CTBUH Doha / Qatar / 2010

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he Doha Tower Offices, located on the Corniche road in the centre of Doha City, is a landmark addition to the prominent features of Doha city where it occupies interface and is overlooking the waters of the Gulf. The development is situated only a few metres away from the Ministries and Government Departments and 15 minutes from Doha International Airport. The Tower is cylindrical in shape and measures 45meters in diameter. It is capped by a dome and topped by a lightning conductor at a level of 231.5meters above groundwith a total built up area of approximately 110,000 square meters. The Tower has been designed by innovative French Architect Messrs Atelier Jean Nouvel. The design is unique and it is the first design of a Tower with reinforced concrete dia-grid columns in a cross (X)shape covered at the external facade by geometric complexity of the oriental moucharabiahand butterflies in the shape of Bee’s heaves acting as a sun screen. The inner layer is aluminum curtain walling with slightly reflective glass that protect from the sun’s rays. There is a walkway between the sunscreen and the curtain walling that allow for maintenance to wash and clean the curtain wall. Each floor offers panoramic views towards the Cornice Road and the Gulf to the East and South, the downtown of Doha City to the West with the Peal Qatar and Lusailon view Town to the North. In addition to itsdistinguished location and shape, the Tower has been finished with quality material and equipmentthat is incompliance with the highest International Standards. The Tower is equipped with the latest fire fighting systems that match the criteria adopted in the State (NFPA) governing the design of such systems and the latest security systems, surveillance cameras and access control system programmed to control entry of individuals into the court yards and each floor of the Tower. In addition is the availability of a passenger control system that distributes the passengers among the lifts with a sophisticated system for the movement of the elevators. [IT] Un volume cilindrico, il cui diametro misura 45 metri, è incoronato da una cupola alla cui estremità è posizionata una guglia slanciata verso l’alto fino a 231.50 metri. La struttura, realizzata in cemento e acciaio, consta di una griglia a rombi che si flette lungo la superficie virtuale del cilindro. La facciata è rivestita da un sistema a doppia pelle. L’involucro più esterno si compone di quattro elementi in alluminio a forma di farfalla di differenti dimensioni, la cui combinazione riproduce la complessità geometrica del moucharabieh orientale, offrendo al tempo stesso protezione dai raggi solari. L’involucro più interno consiste in un rivestimento di vetro leggermente riflettente che offre definitiva protezione dal sole. Sulla facciata è inoltre previsto un sistema di tende avvolgibili da utilizzare qualora lo si ritenesse necessario. Ogni piano consente una spettacolare vista del Golfo a est, del porto a sud, della città ad ovest e della costa a nord. L’accesso alla torre avviene attraverso un giardino che si inclina delicatamente verso un’ampia lobby coperta da una volta vetrata. Un enorme atrio raggiunge il 27° piano, sino ad una altezza di 112 metri. “Imponente e slanciata, scintillante nella sua silhouette filigranata affacciata sull’orizzonte – dichiara l’autore del progetto - la torre è candidata a divenire il nuovo riferimento simbolico sulla Corniche di Doha”.
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    he Doha Tower Offices, located on the Corniche road in the centre of Doha City, is a landmark addition to the prominent features of Doha city where it occupies interface and is overlooking the waters of the Gulf. The development is situated only a few metres away from the Ministries and Government Departments and 15 minutes from Doha International Airport. The Tower is cylindrical in shape and measures 45meters in diameter. It is capped by a dome and topped by a lightning conductor at a level...

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