Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium | BDP Pattern

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Al Rayyan / Qatar / 2020

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Al Rayyan is known in Qatar as the ‘gateway to the desert’ and for its strong connection to the country’s traditional culture and heritage.

Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium is one of the venues for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Pattern is Lead Designer and Architect for the Stadium, training facilities and the master plan surrounding 69-hectare precinct. The conceptual theme for the site is the Desert. This translates into a masterplan concept of a caravan or journey in the desert landscape configured using a circle packing geometry.

A key feature of the stadium is its elegant, ornate façade: a contemporary interpretation of traditional Naquish patterns specific to Qatari culture. This builds on our interest in how patterns are powerful symbols embedded in local culture, yet with a universal appeal. The stadium’s distinctive façade was created using the cutting-edge parametric design so that the facade also plays an important role in cooling the building. The result is a landmark for Qatar that works effectively both as a world-stage for sport and, we hope, something that is genuinely meaningful and welcoming locally.

Complementary to the Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium, Pattern also designed the stadium and external dune interiors. Wishing to stay true to the original intent of designing a string of welcoming family-friendly environments, the practice incorporated traditional materials and methods to instill a sense of place and heritage. A carefully considered palette of materials and spatial arrangements, in conjunction with an integrated lighting design, ensures a cohesive design experience for visitors from the point of arrival in the precinct to the moment they take their seat inside a lounge or within the Stadium bowl.

The interiors packages include everything from concessions and concourses to VIP and VVIP lounges and skyboxes, Player changing rooms, and Press conference Rooms and Press lounges, with luxury and comfort evident throughout.

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    Al Rayyan is known in Qatar as the ‘gateway to the desert’ and for its strong connection to the country’s traditional culture and heritage. Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium is one of the venues for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Pattern is Lead Designer and Architect for the Stadium, training facilities and the master plan surrounding 69-hectare precinct. The conceptual theme for the site is the Desert. This translates into a masterplan concept of a caravan or journey in the desert...

    Project details
    • Year 2020
    • Work finished in 2020
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Stadiums
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