Respublika Park Mall | archimatika

Киев / Ukraine / 2021

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A retail complex unmatched anywhere in Ukraine, an ambitious and grand-scale project. The floor space (13 hectares) is of the urban planning magnitude, making this complex a small town under one roof.


Setting up a large number of working groups, and coordinating the work of a huge number of people. We also had to use new software technologies, which marked the beginning of our parametric design practice.

The absence of analogs of such a retail and entertainment center in Ukraine, meant that we couldn’t borrow from examples of how centers of this kind are operated in our country
Constant changes in the project, and tight schedule

We created a futuristic image of a retail and entertainment center, reflected on both the exterior and the interior
We created intrigue for visitors by making all galleries curvilinear to make it interesting for them to walk the complex’s inner space. This way, a visitor does not see the end of the gallery, but feel the urge to keep walking, something will be revealing to them, little by little, as they move forward
We designed a broad atrium shaped like a cheese slice, making it not one huge volume but a space consisting of eight different-sized domes piercing the atrium’s structure and creating an interesting space for a children’s entertainment center.
The main parking space is located beneath the building to avoid the customary field of cars around a shopping mall and make it easier to navigate the complex
By slightly reducing the parking space under the building, we proposed to liven up the retail complex’s perimeter with small stores and cafes. This way, the street additionally illuminated by showcase lights and attracting pedestrians becomes safe for people living nearby.
The key emphasis was placed on the complex’s main entrance groups built on the basis of parametric calculations. They are shaped as truncated cones widening from the smaller to the larger oval base – such a complex form would have been impossible to design by technical drawing.
We created an interior design trend, which subsequently was copycatted by all large shopping malls.

Facts and details:
The floor area of Respublika Retail and Entertainment Center is larger than the area of Mariinskyi Park
The first indoor roller coaster in Kyiv was designed for Respublika Retail and Entertainment Center
Respublika Retail and Entertainment Center’s brand book was created by Artemii Lebedev Design Studio
Elliptical dome size: 50×62 m
Atrium space: 6 920 sq.m
Total gallery length: 1 730 m
Total number of parking spots in the underground parking and on ground parking lots: 3 260

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    A retail complex unmatched anywhere in Ukraine, an ambitious and grand-scale project. The floor space (13 hectares) is of the urban planning magnitude, making this complex a small town under one roof.   Challenge:Setting up a large number of working groups, and coordinating the work of a huge number of people. We also had to use new software technologies, which marked the beginning of our parametric design practice. Hardships:The absence of analogs of such a retail and entertainment...

    Project details
    • Year 2021
    • Work started in 2012
    • Work finished in 2021
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Urban Furniture / multi-purpose civic centres / Parking facilities / Urban development plans / Landscape/territorial planning / Trade Fair Centres / Shopping Malls / Showrooms/Shops / Sports Centres / Fitness Centres / Interior Design / Lighting Design / Cycle Paths / Furniture design
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