SWALES / J.S.T. Harrisburg Production Engineering Center | Ryuichi Ashizawa Architects & Associates

Harrisburg / United States / 2021

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Nature’s patterns embraced:
Located in Pennsylvania, this production center lies on what was previously agricultural land, beside the Susquehanna River. The site features a stretch of hills and folded mountains to the north. The aim of the project is to naturally reinvigorate the nearby ecology, the air and soil, having been damaged by industrial development.

As nature develops harmonious patterns based on physical systems, a similar built pattern seeks to evolve from a spatial system. Important here is the careful development of the entity, not the imitation of one independent element of nature.

Environmental simulations based on light, heat, ventilation and water, resulted in a form that, relative to topography, branches out in an organic way, seeking a natural rhythm. Similar patterns appear not only in tree branches and leaf veins, but also river networks, lightning and cracks in the earth. The split creates finer and more rapid energy courses. An additive aspect emerges, that continues to honor the whole. This way, an artery system makes up the architectural form, in so doing, enabling water to penetrate the surface in the gardens between wines, reaching aquifers deep in the earth.

In terms of construction, the structure is designed to be made from wood. Columns, in staggered sequences, imitate forest groves, creating frames for the surrounding flora. A microclimate is created by the gentle shifting of air pressures within the building, between intentionally glazed enclosures and controlled locations within.

Evergreen trees form windbreaks, while deciduous trees doctor the light conditions throughout the building.

Converting rainwater to groundwater is a long-term cycle: ranging from 1000 to 10,000 years- akin to Native American sensibilities - where consideration for the future generations is part of the day-to-day. This regard, practically and spiritually, for the next seven generations sits in direct contrast to the way Modernity priorities the rational and the immediate. By inheriting this ancient wisdom, architecture and landscape design merge to establish a cycle of purification and regeneration.

アメリカ、ペンシルバニア州での研究所の計画である。 敷地は元々豊かな森林であったが、企業⽤地として⼟地開発され、樹⽊はほぼ伐採されていた。 北側に傾斜するなだらかな斜⾯形状で、樹⽊が伐採された故⼟地は乾燥しきっていた。 周辺にはアメリカ郊外の典型的な箱型建築が⽴ち並ぶ。
彼らの考えは、⽂明の持続可能な⽅法であり、知恵である。この意志を継承する計画によって、この⼤地を再⽣させたいと考えた。 地中深くに運ばれた⽔は、1000年10000年と⻑い時間をかけて、地球を循環するという。

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    Nature’s patterns embraced:Located in Pennsylvania, this production center lies on what was previously agricultural land, beside the Susquehanna River. The site features a stretch of hills and folded mountains to the north. The aim of the project is to naturally reinvigorate the nearby ecology, the air and soil, having been damaged by industrial development. As nature develops harmonious patterns based on physical systems, a similar built pattern seeks to evolve from a spatial system....

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