EXFORO | AACM | Atelier Architettura Chinello Morandi

Padua / Italy / 2022

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The restaurant is located inside Padua’s Ex Foro Boario, an historic building from the early 1900s, overlooking the fronting Prato della Valle. The intervention restores a panoramic vantage point over the city through generous views and two large terraces.

It is not only a public space, but a rehabilitation project with a cosmopolitan character, which, with its philosophy of Italian cuisine, synthesizes tradition and innovation.
Similarly, the restoration strategy combines the monumental features of the heritage listed building with the mundanity of the contemporary venue through three compositional elements:

The central core of the bar, the beating heart of the venue, is conceived as a translucent and luminescent ice sculpture. A knurled glass skin envelops the new raw steel rims, highlighting the pattern of the original bricks. Between imperfections and layering, the ancient wall manifests the imprint of time and the building’s history.

The interior stereotomic envelope forms a true containing space, lending a sense of coherence to the entire room. It is an heterogeneous surface of polished concrete made of local aggregates, which originates from the floor and grows to the wall. This defines a footing to emphasize the windows over the square, which is then transformed into seating, a pedestal for statues, a planter and a counter.
The glass, polycarbonate and resin furniture determines suggestive reflections and transparencies, a vibrant architecture in its contrast between container and content, between rigorousness and lightness.

The result is a project with an eclectic atmosphere, a contemporary venue in an iconic space.

AACM - Atelier Architettura Chinello Morandi
Arch. Nicolò Chinello
Arch. Ing. Rodolfo Morandi 

Project team:
Arch. Paolo Osti,
Arch. Andrea Marchesin

Arch. Leonardo Marzotti

Arch. Federica Tebaldi

Works supervisor:
Arch. Marisa Macchietto

Maria Francesca Lui, Marco Lumini, Andrea Anoni


Il ristorante sorge all’interno dell’Ex Foro Boario di Padova, edificio storico di inizio ‘900, dominando l’antistante Prato della Valle. L’intervento restituisce un punto di vista panoramico sulla città tramite generosi affacci e due ampie terrazze.

Non è solo uno spazio pubblico, ma un progetto di recupero dal carattere cosmopolita, che, con la sua filosofia di cucina italiana, sintetizza tradizione ed innovazione.
Allo stesso modo, la strategia di restauro coniuga i caratteri monumentali dell’edificio storico vincolato alla mondanità del locale contemporaneo, attraverso tre elementi compositivi:

Il nucleo centrale del bar, cuore pulsante del locale, è pensato come una scultura di ghiaccio traslucida e luminescente. Una pelle in vetro zigrinato avvolge le nuove cerchiature in acciaio grezzo risaltando la tessitura dei mattoni originali. Tra imperfezioni e stratificazioni, il muro antico manifesta l’impronta del tempo e la storia dell’edificio.

L’involucro stereotomico interno costituisce una vera e propria vasca contenitiva, conferendo un senso di coerenza a tutto il locale. È una superficie eterogenea, di cemento levigato con inerti locali, che nasce dal pavimento e cresce a parete. Si definisce così un basamento a sottolineare le finestre sulla piazza, trasformato poi in seduta, piedistallo per le statue, fioriera e bancone bar.

L’arredo di vetro, policarbonato e resina, determina suggestivi riflessi e trasparenze, un’architettura vibrante nel contrasto tra contenitore e contenuto, tra rigorosità e leggerezza.

Il risultato è un progetto dall’atmosfera eclettica, un locale contemporaneo in uno spazio iconico.

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    The restaurant is located inside Padua’s Ex Foro Boario, an historic building from the early 1900s, overlooking the fronting Prato della Valle. The intervention restores a panoramic vantage point over the city through generous views and two large terraces. It is not only a public space, but a rehabilitation project with a cosmopolitan character, which, with its philosophy of Italian cuisine, synthesizes tradition and innovation. Similarly, the restoration strategy combines the monumental...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work started in 2021
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Restoration of old town centres / Bars/Cafés / Restaurants / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings
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