SO18 | Oslotre

St. Olavsvei 18 Residential Building Kristiansand / Norway / 2022

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Oslotre AS is pleased to present St. Olavsvei 18, the first residential CLT project in Kristiansand, Norway. The 5 stories densification project is situated within the center of Kristiansand and the building offers apartments aimed at first time buyers. Most of the 28 apartments are no more than 40m2, but while modest in size the apartments are high in quality. Working within strictly bound site restrictions Oslotre has successfully managed to ensure that each of the apartments has light from at least two directions and large, generous balconies and terraces. The ceiling height has been increased from standard 2,4m to 2,6m and most of the large windows are full floor to ceiling height increasing the overall spatial quality of the apartments. The full heighted windows also contributes to the material efficiency of the CLT elements by reducing the need for cutout and overall waste of materials. 

Material efficiency and rationality has been central to the development of the project. Shorter spans allows for an extremely efficient CLT structure with wall elements no more than 8 cm thick, the floor slabs only 12cm. The shorter spans are made possible by introducing supporting structural glulam beams within the individual apartments. This solution means that the apartments, though bound by shorter spans and tight floorplans, have a greater possibility of flexibility and alternative arrangements within a tight structural system. 

The building is clad in heartwood of pine creating a play between smooth panels and extruding battens, with battens continuing past some windows and cornices to form railings, giving the facade a light and dynamic expression. The cladding is treated with a warm shade of grey. Over time this will be replaced by the natural greying process, contrasting nicely with the sheltered cladding under the balconies and on the retracted parts of the façade which offer a warmer feel to the more intimate spaces in the facade in oiled cedarwood.

This way of building with timber, shows that it is possible to build competitive and economic timber buildings without compromising architectural qualities.


Client: St. Olavsvei 18 AS
Architecture: Oslotre AS
Landscape Architecture: Oslotre AS / Edit AS
Structural concept timber: Ny Struktur AS
Structural concept concrete: Multiconsult AS
Sound concept: Brekke & Strand
Fire concept: SWECO Norge AS
Ventilation concept: Rivco AS
Electrical concept: Bravida Norge AS
Contractor: VEF Entreprenør AS
Photos by Kyrre Sundal


St. Olavsvei 18 er fortettingsprosjekt i Kristiansand. Bygningen med 5 avtrappede etasjer rommer 28 leiligheter, de fleste med en gjennomsnittlig størrelse på 44m2. Innenfor en stram detaljregulering av byggets ytre geometri, ble leilighetene fordelt slik at alle boliger får lys fra to sider og tilgang til store balkonger og terrasser. Samtidig ble det bygget med 260cm himlingshøyde for å gi opplevelse av romlige kvaliteter i små leiligheter. Bygget er konstruert med 8cm tynne massivtreelementer i ytterveggene og leilighetsskilleveggene, med dekker i 12cm massivtre. En utrolig slank bærekonstruksjon i massivtre for et 5 etasjes bygg. 

5 etasjer i tre, inkludert heissjakt og trapp i massivtre står på toppen av en parkeringskjeller i betong. Leilighetene er fleksible og tilpasningsdyktige, med bæring liggende i himling, slik at rommene kan bygges om og planløsning åpnes opp etter ønske. 

De store vinduene går fra gulv til tak, som gir godt med lys inn i boligene, og samtidig optimaliserer massivtreleveransen og minimerer svinn. 

Bygget er kledd med kjerneved av furu som er malt i en varm gråtone. Gråtonen gjør at bygget ikke vil fremstå som skjoldete og malingen blir erstattet av treets naturlige gråningsprosess over tid. Kledningen er bygget opp av glattpanel med spiler foran. Spilene fortsetter forbi noen vinduer og gesims for å forme rekkverkene. Dette gir bygget et lett og dynamisk preg. Kledningen under balkongene og på inntrukne deler av fasaden er utført i oljet sedertre, som gir uterommene en varme og opplevelse av eksklusivitet. 

Denne typen trebyggeri viser at det går an å lage konkurransedyktige og økonomisk bærekraftige massivtreprosjekter, uten at det går utover arkitektoniske kvaliteter.

Bygherre: St. Olavsvei 18 AS
Arkitekt: Oslotre As
Landskap arkitektur: Oslotre AS / Edit AS
RIBtre: Ny Struktur AS
RIB: Multiconsult AS
Akustikk: Brekke & Strand Akustikk AS
Brann: SWECO Norge AS
RIV: Rivco AS
RIEl: Bravida Norge AS
Entreprenør: VEF Entreprenør AS
Bilder: Kyrre Sundal


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    Oslotre AS is pleased to present St. Olavsvei 18, the first residential CLT project in Kristiansand, Norway. The 5 stories densification project is situated within the center of Kristiansand and the building offers apartments aimed at first time buyers. Most of the 28 apartments are no more than 40m2, but while modest in size the apartments are high in quality. Working within strictly bound site restrictions Oslotre has successfully managed to ensure that each of the apartments has light from...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Client St. Olavsvei 18 AS
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Multi-family residence
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