Quinta de SEDA | Fernando Martínez

A Coruña / Spain / 2022

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The interior courtyard becomes a key element in this single-family dwelling, giving unity and fluidity to each section of the project.

"Why can't we have those curves and arcs that express feeling in design, what's wrong with them, why does everything have to be vertical, straight, inflexible, only at right angles and functional?"

Prince Charles

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    The interior courtyard becomes a key element in this single-family dwelling, giving unity and fluidity to each section of the project. "Why can't we have those curves and arcs that express feeling in design, what's wrong with them, why does everything have to be vertical, straight, inflexible, only at right angles and functional?" Prince Charles

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work started in 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Current works
    • Type Single-family residence / Country houses/cottages / Chalets, Mountains houses
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