Hasenrainstrasse | KOHLERSTRAUMANN

Binningen / Switzerland

24 Love 3,239 Visits Published

“Understanding the site’s context and topography was key to incorporate the minimalistic design with the surrounding.”

„concrete offers a distinctive rough aesthetic“
- our facade emphasizing the tones, textures, and surfaces that shape the concrete mixture with the wooden texture market in the concrete-

„between concrete and glas something romantic is happening“

“Raw and natural materials shaping unique layouts of apartments all with a main goal to enhance the view towards Basel-City”

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    “Understanding the site’s context and topography was key to incorporate the minimalistic design with the surrounding.” #detailsmatter„concrete offers a distinctive rough aesthetic“- our facade emphasizing the tones, textures, and surfaces that shape the concrete mixture with the wooden texture market in the concrete- „between concrete and glas something romantic is happening“ “Raw and natural materials shaping unique layouts of apartments all...

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    • Status Completed works
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    Lovers 24 users