Equilibrio dei contrasti Italy / 2022

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The interior design of an outbuilding for guests involves a large attic of an existing villa. The living area is a single open space in which the kitchen, dining area and living room follow one another, made to measure with natural materials and adapted to the urban style. The different volumes are defined by balanced contrasts given by the light wood floor and roof that compare with the natural materials of the furnishings. The design of the bathrooms also focuses on color contrasts and bespoke furnishings to expand the small volume characteristic of the attic floor.

La progettazione ex novo di una dependance per gli ospiti interessa un ampio sottotetto di una villa esistente. La zona giorno è un unico open space in cui si susseguono cucina, zona pranzo e soggiorno, realizzati su misura con materiali naturali e adattati allo stile urbano. I diversi volumi sono definiti da contrasti equilibrati dati dal pavimento e dal tetto in legno chiaro che si confrontano con i materiali naturali degli arredi. Anche la progettazione dei bagni punta sui contrasti cromatici e sugli arredi su misura per dilatare il volume ridotto caratteristico del piano mansardato.

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    The interior design of an outbuilding for guests involves a large attic of an existing villa. The living area is a single open space in which the kitchen, dining area and living room follow one another, made to measure with natural materials and adapted to the urban style. The different volumes are defined by balanced contrasts given by the light wood floor and roof that compare with the natural materials of the furnishings. The design of the bathrooms also focuses on color contrasts and...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Lofts/Penthouses / Refurbishment of apartments
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