Spacelights is a series of interior lighting

The Spacelights is a constellation for everyone. A HOROSCOPE IN METAL AND GLASS that illuminates any interior. Lviv / Ukraine / 2020

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 The Spacelights project is a constant in a changing space. That forcing us to stop and find order in the flow of thought and closing the doors of everyday commotion. Stars get closer. Uniqueness in detail. Constellation in your personal space.
 The lamp is a scaled constellation. The size of the plafond according to the level of brightness of the star. The brighter the star, the larger the diameter of plafond.So we got three types of it sizes. Plus for composition is wall lamp.
DRACO, URSA MAJOR, URSA MINOR, CANCER, LEO, CAPRICORNUS ... constellations could be in your space. 

Glass & Metal: copper, brass, chrome, painted metal
Recommend use LED lamps and smart lighting system. That gives possibility of different level of brightness.

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     The Spacelights project is a constant in a changing space. That forcing us to stop and find order in the flow of thought and closing the doors of everyday commotion. Stars get closer. Uniqueness in detail. Constellation in your personal space. The lamp is a scaled constellation. The size of the plafond according to the level of brightness of the star. The brighter the star, the larger the diameter of plafond.So we got three types of it sizes. Plus for composition is wall lamp....

    Project details
    • Year 2020
    • Work started in 2020
    • Work finished in 2020
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Lighting Design
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