A small family chapel | 120 grammi :: laboratorio di architettura

Paese / Italy / 2021

24 Love 4,782 Visits Published

The project of this small family chapel is configured as an experimentation on forms and materials in relation to the passage of time. Time that is measured in the distance perceived between the new cemetery and the old one, framed in a crack opened in the surrounding wall. Time that break in the space through the unprotected sky opening, casting sharp shadows and letting the fronds of nearby trees be noticed. Time that manifests itself on the materials used, corroding the anodized aluminum panels and marking the large oxidized concrete slabs of the walls.

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    The project of this small family chapel is configured as an experimentation on forms and materials in relation to the passage of time. Time that is measured in the distance perceived between the new cemetery and the old one, framed in a crack opened in the surrounding wall. Time that break in the space through the unprotected sky opening, casting sharp shadows and letting the fronds of nearby trees be noticed. Time that manifests itself on the materials used, corroding the anodized aluminum...

    Project details
    • Year 2021
    • Work finished in 2021
    • Client Private
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Cemeteries and cemetery chapels
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