PAPIRO | Gariselli Associati

Fogli in libertà Italy

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Free sheets: this is the idea from which the graphic design of this house organ was born, complete with packaging and postcard, to promote the graphic research of the studio, developed in collaboration with a communication agency and a typography; different skills that come together with the aim of culturally and visually stimulating the public.

Fogli in libertà: è l'idea da cui nasce la progettazione grafica di questo house organ, completo di packaging e cartolina, per promuovere la ricerca grafica dello studio. Sviluppata in collaborazione con un'agenzia di comunicazione e una tipografia, unisce competenze diverse con lo scopo di stimolare culturalmente e visivamente il pubblico.

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    Free sheets: this is the idea from which the graphic design of this house organ was born, complete with packaging and postcard, to promote the graphic research of the studio, developed in collaboration with a communication agency and a typography; different skills that come together with the aim of culturally and visually stimulating the public.[IT]Fogli in libertà: è l'idea da cui nasce la progettazione grafica di questo house organ, completo di packaging e cartolina, per...

    Project details
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Graphic Design / Advertising
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