Modern family home with Nordic style | Angelourenzzo - Interior Design

A villa integrally designed from its project, which includes the 3D project of the interior of the house, as well as an architectural proposal. Bragança / Portugal / 2021

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Besides the 3D project of the house's interior, we developed an interior architecture proposal. The main focus was to create a functional and efficient space.

The predominant styles of the house are Nordic and contemporary, evident in the straight lines and geographical elements of the decoration, as well as the clean environment of the entire space.

The neutral tones combined with elegant and colorful details create a sophisticated and welcoming environment.

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    Besides the 3D project of the house's interior, we developed an interior architecture proposal. The main focus was to create a functional and efficient space. The predominant styles of the house are Nordic and contemporary, evident in the straight lines and geographical elements of the decoration, as well as the clean environment of the entire space. The neutral tones combined with elegant and colorful details create a sophisticated and welcoming environment.

    Project details
    • Year 2021
    • Work finished in 2021
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Furniture design
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