Caixaforum Cultural Center in Seville | Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra

Seville / Spain / 2017

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EN - CaixaForum Cultural Center in Seville
The Cultural Centre CaixaForum represents the potential of fighting against difficulty, against (pre-existing) constraints. It is built mainly inside a prevailing concrete skeleton that was meant to be an underground parking area.
The project coherently resolves two crucial issues when dealing with existing buildings: accommodating the new uses and making them visible (even being underground).
The first issue is approached by placing a set of fairly autonomous volumes inside the given grid, looking for a pacific coexistence: two exhibition rooms, an auditorium and cultural workshops. In addition, an administration area and a café. These new volumes are accommodated to the available space without being dominated by the existing structure. Visibility is provided by an exterior canopy that covers the access systems and receives all visitors’ flows: a public space, a small covered plaza.
The canopy has curvilinear cut-outs as main formal characteristic. These are a result of the interaction with near-by existing trees. This gesture comes from the aim of achieving an intense relationship between architecture and nature. This element not only covers and protects the main entry, but it also contains natural light. It captures the sunlight and brings it to the underground hall by a great skylight that filters the light through a porous envelope made of aluminium foam. The sunbeams are transformed then in vibrations over the flooring: light becomes matter.
The project conceives the superposition of two worlds: an inner world, excavated, solved with a Cartesian, orthogonal architecture, an architecture made to last forever, to remain.
The exterior world is represented by a canopy that responds to the contingences, to the limitations, to the bonds and constrictions: this architecture gives response to the willingness of an era and to contemporary sensitivity.
Both worlds are connected by a vertical channel of natural light.

ES - Centro Cultural CaixaForum Sevilla
El Centro Cultural Caixaforum/Sevilla representa la capacidad de revolverse contra la dificultad, contra las limitaciones. Se ha construido en un espacio destinado en su mayor parte a aparcamiento subterráneo, donde ya existía, por tanto, un potente esqueleto estructural de hormigón.
El proyecto intenta resolver dos cuestiones siempre importantes en intervenciones sobre estructuras existentes: la estrategia de ocupación y la necesidad de visibilidad, al tratarse de un edificio enterrado. A la primera cuestión responde ubicando una serie de recintos relativamente autónomos buscando la convivencia y coexistencia pacífica: dos salas de exposiciones, un auditorio, talleres culturales, a los que se añade la administración y una cafetería, que se acomodan a los espacios disponibles, pero sin someterse a la estructura existente. Para resolver el tema de la visibilidad se propone la construcción de una marquesina exterior que cubrirá los sistemas de accesos y permitirá el flujo de visitantes: un espacio público, una pequeña plaza cubierta.
La marquesina se caracteriza formalmente por los recortes curvilíneas, resultado de la interacción con los arboles existentes, en un deseo de lograr una intensa relación entre arquitectura y naturaleza. Y no solo cubre y protege los accesos sino que se convierte en un contenedor de luz natural, que captura y orienta hacia el vestíbulo subterráneo a través de un gran lucernario. Un lucernario que atrapa la luz y la filtra a través de una porosa envolvente de espuma de aluminio, transfigurando los rayos solares en vibraciones sobre el pavimento. La luz se convierte así en materia.
El proyecto plantea la superposición de dos mundos : un mundo interior, excavado, que se resuelve con una arquitectura cartesiana, ortogonal, una arquitectura para siempre, de la permanencia y un mundo exterior representado por la marquesina , que responde a las contingencias , a las limitaciones , a los vínculos y constricciones . Una arquitectura que da respuesta a la voluntad de una época y a la sensibilidad contemporánea. Ambos mundos se conectan por un canal de luz natural.

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    EN - CaixaForum Cultural Center in SevilleThe Cultural Centre CaixaForum represents the potential of fighting against difficulty, against (pre-existing) constraints. It is built mainly inside a prevailing concrete skeleton that was meant to be an underground parking area.The project coherently resolves two crucial issues when dealing with existing buildings: accommodating the new uses and making them visible (even being underground).The first issue is approached by placing a set of fairly...

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