ODICT | Yousef Al Ibrahim

Fragrance Boutique located in Shuwaikh - Kuwait city Kuwait / 2021

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Inspired by light reflecting off a glass perfume bottle, we wanted to translate that to reality by hanging building glass blocks from the ceiling, allowing for natural sunlight to come through while still keeping it mysterious to the person walking by. We then wanted to add lighting to the space whithout invading the clean grid lines of the glass blocks, we collaborated with Fabraca Studios here to come up with this bespoke lighting system, in which we punctured holes in the glass blocks to embed a double sided light fixture withing the hanging glass structure.

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    Inspired by light reflecting off a glass perfume bottle, we wanted to translate that to reality by hanging building glass blocks from the ceiling, allowing for natural sunlight to come through while still keeping it mysterious to the person walking by. We then wanted to add lighting to the space whithout invading the clean grid lines of the glass blocks, we collaborated with Fabraca Studios here to come up with this bespoke lighting system, in which we punctured holes in the glass...

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