Gafanha | fp-a (filipe pina arquitectura)

Guarda / Portugal / 2019

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Located in a small village in the interior of Portugal, at 900m altitude, the Gafanha’s House emerges from the need of rehabilitating an existing building occupied by a family member. Upon requests from the clients and friends, the intervention aims at preserving the whole existing architectural features, as a family legacy of its past. As a result of that, the granite, typical stone of the region, was maintained, and supplemented in its new elements by concrete. The patios have been added as new living spaces. The main drivers of this project were the land configuration, together with the pre-existing volume of this regional traditional house, consisting of an animals’ shelter on the ground floor, and a small living area on the upper floor. The lower floor, partially located underground, was transformed into an ample living space with clear differentiated functional areas. The two patios (towards sunrise and the other one facing south) are independent structures that shape the topography of the surrounding land, creating a feeling of widening and allowing natural light to enter the space. The upper floor is then composed of the private rooms. Both the scale of the intervention and the village’s identity were present in the architect’s mind during the overall creative and rehabilitation process. It was deliberately the intention to preserve the building’s history and to add contemporary elements to it. From the outside, the stone and concrete robustness from the outside contrast with the white and wood comforting the lightly living interior.

Project name: Gafanha
Architects: Filipe Pina
Lead Architects: Filipe Pina
Project location: Guarda, Portugal
Completion Year: 2019
Gross Built Area: 135 m2
Photo credits: João Morgado (
Engineering: Ricardo Reis
Construction: LarPronto
Communication/Design: João Aparício
Manufacturers: Efapel, Sanitana, Ofa, Aleluia Cerâmicas, Technal, Teka

Localizada numa aldeia do interior de Portugal a 900m de altitude, a Casa da Gafanha surge da necessidade de reabilitar uma pré-existência habitada nos seus últimos anos por um dos herdeiros da família. A pedido dos clientes/amigos, a intervenção procura preservar na totalidade a linguagem arquitectonica do existente, em memória do passado e da história da família. Assim, mantem-se o granito típico da região, assume-se o betão aparente nos elementos novos e, os pátios, um novo momento construído e novos espaços de vivência. O volume existente, uma casa tradicional da região composta por um abrigo de animais no piso inferior e uma pequena habitação no piso superior, assim como a configuração do terreno, foram as principais diretrizes para a proposta. O piso inferior, parcialmente enterrado na topografia do terreno, foi transformado num espaço amplo de zonas comuns com as funções visivelmente delimitadas e hierarquizadas. Os dois pátios, (a nascente e sul) são estruturas independentes que recortam a topografia, permitindo assim a entrada de luz, e criando uma sensação de espaço ampliado e maior luminosidade. O piso superior acolhe as áreas privativas. A escala da intervenção e a identidade do local estiveram sempre presentes desde o processo criativo até ao processo construtivo. Foi intencional preservar a história do objecto construído assim como a intervenção de carácter contemporâneo que se acrescentou ao edifício. Se no exterior a robustez da pedra e do betão esculpem e dão forma à construção, no interior é o branco e a madeira que dão conforto e luminosidade à nova habitação.

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    Located in a small village in the interior of Portugal, at 900m altitude, the Gafanha’s House emerges from the need of rehabilitating an existing building occupied by a family member. Upon requests from the clients and friends, the intervention aims at preserving the whole existing architectural features, as a family legacy of its past. As a result of that, the granite, typical stone of the region, was maintained, and supplemented in its new elements by concrete. The patios have been...

    Project details
    • Year 2019
    • Work finished in 2019
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design / Building Recovery and Renewal
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