Hotel Ambassador | Alberto Buffolino

Levico Terme / Italy / 2018

7 Love 981 Visits Published

ENG - The surfaces of the Rex brand, elegant and seductive, enrich the interior spaces of this hotel in Levico Terme. The protagonists are the large formats of Matières de Rex in the Gris colors – used in combination with the wood effect of the Planches de Rex collection, in Noisette shade. The delicate contrast between the authentic aspect of cement and the warm of wood creates an informal but elegant atmosphere, enhanced by the fabric and the furnishing. These two collections have been used individually or together, and the particular shades of Matières de Rex also decorates the reception desk.

ITA - Le superfici del marchio Rex, luminose e seducenti, impreziosiscono gli ambienti di questo hotel a Levico Terme. Protagonisti i grandi formati delle serie Matieres de Rex (80x80cm e 60x120cm) – nella elegante nuance Gris – utilizzati in abbinamento alle doghe effetto legno di Planches de Rex (26x180cm e 20x180 cm) nel colore Noisette. Il delicato contrasto tra il sapore autentico del cemento e il calore dell’effetto legno regala un’atmosfera informale ed elegante allo stesso tempo, valorizzata da tessuti e arredi perfettamente in sintonia tra loro. Le due collezioni vengono utilizzate sia singolarmente – con posa tradizionale – che accostate tra loro con posa a cassettone. Le sfumature profonde di Matieres de Rex incorniciano anche il bancone della reception.

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    ENG - The surfaces of the Rex brand, elegant and seductive, enrich the interior spaces of this hotel in Levico Terme. The protagonists are the large formats of Matières de Rex in the Gris colors – used in combination with the wood effect of the Planches de Rex collection, in Noisette shade. The delicate contrast between the authentic aspect of cement and the warm of wood creates an informal but elegant atmosphere, enhanced by the fabric and the furnishing. These two collections...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Work finished in 2018
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Hotel/Resorts
    Archilovers On Instagram
    Lovers 7 users