Summer House | Rado Iliev

Bulgaria / 2009

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The single story family summer retreat is located near the coast of the Black Sea in Bulgaria.

Project aimed to create a simple seasonal dwelling providing a semi outdoor living.

Plan includes 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms (one with shared shower) and a large covered terrace with a kitchen alcove.

The house is situated in a way that a lime tree to east is centred to the open terrace. The tree blossoms in June and the evening sea breeze is pushing the aroma into the terrace. Large timber beam is laid at the edge of the terrace and used as a bench. The beam was salvaged from an old derelict house nearby.

Structure is built in concrete and brick, rendered and pained white. The rustic timber doors were made on the site of locally sourced material.

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    The single story family summer retreat is located near the coast of the Black Sea in Bulgaria. Project aimed to create a simple seasonal dwelling providing a semi outdoor living. Plan includes 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms (one with shared shower) and a large covered terrace with a kitchen alcove. The house is situated in a way that a lime tree to east is centred to the open terrace. The tree blossoms in June and the evening sea breeze is pushing the aroma into the terrace. Large timber beam is...

    Project details
    • Year 2009
    • Work started in 2008
    • Work finished in 2009
    • Main structure Masonry
    • Client Private
    • Contractor Local builders
    • Cost 25.000
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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