Topcon S.p.A. | ||| Base Architettura - architetti associati

Global headquarter office Turin / Italy / 2017

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Topcon Agriculture global headquarter office is located in the “Lingotto” complex, one of the most iconic buildings in the world, symbol of progress, audacity and innovation drive sice it was projected in 1916 as the biggest car factory in the world for FIAT. Topcon Agriculture headquarter office is also unique because it has been carefully redesigned by Base Architettura in close cooperation with TA Management to achieve a space that not only fosters seamless collaboration and visibility, but also offers the visitor the possibility to experience our products, our vision and our creative process.

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    Topcon Agriculture global headquarter office is located in the “Lingotto” complex, one of the most iconic buildings in the world, symbol of progress, audacity and innovation drive sice it was projected in 1916 as the biggest car factory in the world for FIAT. Topcon Agriculture headquarter office is also unique because it has been carefully redesigned by Base Architettura in close cooperation with TA Management to achieve a space that not only fosters seamless collaboration and...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Client Topcon
    • Contractor F.lli Canuto costruzioni
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Corporate Headquarters / Interior Design / Lighting Design / Recovery of industrial buildings / Furniture design
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