Private House N1-Velingrad | Alexandrina Nenkova

Reconstruction project, villa in the countryside of Bulgaria Velingrad / Bulgaria / 2018

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The House is situated in the countryside of southern Bulgaria, an area famous for its numerous sunny days and an abundance of mineral water springs. It was a long term project that took the best part of 8 years; for all participants it was a process of discovery of new spaces, new cultures, and new ideas that ultimately became a process of self-discovery.
During the reconstruction process, some of the new structural elements had to be demolished completely as they did not support the new concept. The idea was to create a soft, smooth space that one could fly through, or float in; a space without barriers, a space where light, colour and air are one. Natural materials, unprocessed surfaces and soft textures dominate the main design theme; recycling is the defining concept in some of the areas. The resulting balance creates the optimum light and sound comfort.

By Katya Ford

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    The House is situated in the countryside of southern Bulgaria, an area famous for its numerous sunny days and an abundance of mineral water springs. It was a long term project that took the best part of 8 years; for all participants it was a process of discovery of new spaces, new cultures, and new ideas that ultimately became a process of self-discovery. During the reconstruction process, some of the new structural elements had to be demolished completely as they did not support the new...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Work started in 2011
    • Work finished in 2018
    • Main structure Mixed structure
    • Client private
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Lighting Design / Photography / Furniture design / Product design
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