Reconstruct with drawing. Hand drawing for graphic analysis. | Mariapia Di Lecce

[PREMIO] - The Architecture Drawing Prize - World Architecture Festival 2017 Matera / Italy / 2017

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The Architecture Drawing Prize - World Architecture Festival 2017
Curatori: Make Architects; Sir John Soane’s Museum; World Architecture Festival
Classificazione: Commended

Titolo dell'opera: "Church of St. Clare, Matera, Italy. Reconstruct with drawing. Hand drawing for graphic analysis”

This plate is part of the drawings corpus of the thesis work by the same author, Mariapia Di Lecce. The objective of this study is to emphasize the importance of hand drawing in architects' life investigating the origins of architectural drawing, methods and techniques. The study aims to realize graphic analysis by the use of mixed media. The subject of the case study is the historical complex of Franciscan convents and annexed churches in the city of Matera.
This plate shows St. Clare's Church, built at end of 17th century.
In this case, the main subject is the material. The facade of the church is made of tufa. Time gnawed blocks and partially deleted decorations. The study presents a graphic reconstruction of the original appearance based on the comparison of similar and symmetric elements and identifying repeating forms on the facade.


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    The Architecture Drawing Prize - World Architecture Festival 2017Curatori: Make Architects; Sir John Soane’s Museum; World Architecture FestivalClassificazione: Commended Titolo dell'opera: "Church of St. Clare, Matera, Italy. Reconstruct with drawing. Hand drawing for graphic analysis” This plate is part of the drawings corpus of the thesis work by the same author, Mariapia Di Lecce. The objective of this study is to emphasize the importance of hand drawing in architects' life...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work started in 2017
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Status Research/Thesis
    • Type Churches / Graphic Design / Photography / Exhibitions /Installations / Monasteries / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings / Restoration of Works of Art / Restoration of façades
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