The City is being redesigned | Henner Herrmanns

Living above a parking lot Cologne / Germany / 2020

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Creating affordable housing is currently one of the most urgent tasks in German cities.

The situation in the housing market has exacerbated. Even in recent years, far too few apartments have been built in the inexpensive segment. The bottleneck to more affordable housing is undoubtedly the building plot. In all cities there is a large lack of building land. The great demand for building land has led to an almost absurd increase in plot costs, which is increasingly compounded by the increasing scarcity of available land. In other words, we have to think about how the proportion of the land price on the living space can be reduced.

In a densely populated city like Cologne, it makes sense to build on already used areas such as parking lots with innovative wooden buildings. This way, low-cost apartments can be quickly created without having to seal new areas. At the same time, rather bleak parking spaces can be enhanced by the iconic design of the building on stilts.

We propose a superstructure of the parking lot in the city of Cologne. Prefabricated modular components should be used. The design is based on the fact that due to the high prefabrication wooden structures allow a fast, efficient and economical construction process.

In addition to shortening the construction period the modular design allows a big flexibility. Finally, the planning for this multi-storey residential building is transferable to other plots. The supporting structure allows adaptable floor plans in all three residential floors, which can be divided individually via light partitions. The supporting structure consists of composite floors made of wood and concrete. The three upper floors have common areas. Access is via a staircase and a lift.

The idea is to create a living concept that simultaneously serves the needs of the market and the residents. Of course, special emphasis is placed on sustainable, resource-conserving construction. With a living concept based on the principle of the sharing economy, combining space-efficient, flexible residential units with shared spaces, the sharp increase in real estate prices is to be slowed down. Also shared is the roof terrace, which is to show how living is possible in a place that is initially unimaginable, namely via a parking space. It forms a kind of "green cloud" and is equipped with a summer kitchen and sanitary facilities.

Architekt: Prof. Henner Herrmanns + Hung Nguyen (Herrmanns Architekten)

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    Creating affordable housing is currently one of the most urgent tasks in German cities. The situation in the housing market has exacerbated. Even in recent years, far too few apartments have been built in the inexpensive segment. The bottleneck to more affordable housing is undoubtedly the building plot. In all cities there is a large lack of building land. The great demand for building land has led to an almost absurd increase in plot costs, which is increasingly compounded by the increasing...

    Project details
    • Year 2020
    • Work started in 2019
    • Work finished in 2020
    • Main structure Wood
    • Client Nico Hülkenberg and Oliver Bartsch
    • Status Current works
    • Type Social Housing
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