Make Burgers | Alex Freitas

Campo Grande / 2017

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The project begins with changes in the height of the right foot. In this way it was possible to make the parametric ceiling whose reference is based on the concept of exploration of the geometric elements in order to interconnect the spaces. This concept was applied on the outside contemplating the colors of the brand.

In the inner part the circular geometric shape of the ceiling was employed motion idea and matches with the store brand. The latter is applied on the counter and along with the conduits are elements that make up the landscaping of the garden.

The furniture modifies according to the environment and giving the possibility to the clients more comfort and space. The floor made of burnt cement with natural tone in combination with the wooden furniture integrates the environments and brings coziness.

As it is a self-service service, the greater intensity of light aims at the customer's rapid stay in the store and the choice for LED bulbs is warm white.

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    The project begins with changes in the height of the right foot. In this way it was possible to make the parametric ceiling whose reference is based on the concept of exploration of the geometric elements in order to interconnect the spaces. This concept was applied on the outside contemplating the colors of the brand. In the inner part the circular geometric shape of the ceiling was employed motion idea and matches with the store brand. The latter is applied on the counter and along with the...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work started in 2017
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Bars/Cafés / Restaurants / Interior Design
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