Starfield Library | Gensler
Seoul / South Korea / 2017
ENG - The Coex Mall in Seoul recently saw the inauguration of a huge, multi-storey bookshop, selling books and magazines from all over the world. To tile the 2500-square-metre floors of this temple of culture, the choice fell to the Prestige series by Marca Corona: the natural wood-effect surfaces, in sizes similar to real wooden boards, bring an informal elegance to the setting, captivating visitors the moment they walk through the door.
ITA - Nel centro commerciale Coex Mall di Seoul è stata da poco inaugurata un’enorme libreria, su più piani, dove sono raccolti volumi e riviste provenienti da tutto il mondo. Per pavimentare i 2500mq di questo tempio della cultura è stata scelta la serie Prestige di Marca Corona: le sue superfici effetto legno, dalle essenze naturali e dal formato così simile a veri listelli lignei, donano un’eleganza informale all’ambiente e catturano i visitatori fin dall’ingresso.
ENG - The Coex Mall in Seoul recently saw the inauguration of a huge, multi-storey bookshop, selling books and magazines from all over the world. To tile the 2500-square-metre floors of this temple of culture, the choice fell to the Prestige series by Marca Corona: the natural wood-effect surfaces, in sizes similar to real wooden boards, bring an informal elegance to the setting, captivating visitors the moment they walk through the door. ITA - Nel centro commerciale Coex Mall di Seoul...
- Year 2017
- Work finished in 2017
- Status Completed works
- Type Libraries / Shopping Malls / Showrooms/Shops