Boutique Hotel ,,Le Fleur,, | Oana Toia

Convert Stavropoleos, No 3, edifice Bucharest / Romania / 2018

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The project it proposes a conversion of the Stavropoleos, No 3, edifice into a boutique hotel with a flower shop at it's ground floor while keeping the valuable elements resulted from its restauration, done by Serban Sturza. The concept is inspired by floral and vegetal elements.

 The project was created using using 2d (Autocad) and 3d (3DSMAX) simulators in order to create both exact plans as well as suggestive foto-realistic pictures. The resulting pieces have been harmoniously put together using Photoshop. 

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    The project it proposes a conversion of the Stavropoleos, No 3, edifice into a boutique hotel with a flower shop at it's ground floor while keeping the valuable elements resulted from its restauration, done by Serban Sturza. The concept is inspired by floral and vegetal elements.  The project was created using using 2d (Autocad) and 3d (3DSMAX) simulators in order to create both exact plans as well as suggestive foto-realistic pictures. The resulting pieces have been harmoniously put...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Hotel/Resorts / Bars/Cafés / Restaurants / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings
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