Chile / 2017

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Today we share an installation of O-300 louvers designed to protect a working space where hundreds of people works everyday.

This installation follows the latest global avant-garde movements concerned with saving energy and maintaining spaces at a comfortable temperature throughout the year.

Our louvers provide high aesthetic appeal to buildings through the use of different shapes and dimensions, with fixed and mobile slats that can be either manual or motorised. Giménez Ganga offers a wide range of options to provide a tailor-made solution for every project.

Our range of louvers developed in extruded aluminium (some models also in PVC) can be used to cover openings of various sizes, enabling dynamic and personalised designs through the use of different installation options; horizontal, vertical or combinating fixed and mobile slats.


More information in www.gimenezganga.com.

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    Today we share an installation of O-300 louvers designed to protect a working space where hundreds of people works everyday. This installation follows the latest global avant-garde movements concerned with saving energy and maintaining spaces at a comfortable temperature throughout the year. Our louvers provide high aesthetic appeal to buildings through the use of different shapes and dimensions, with fixed and mobile slats that can be either manual or motorised. Giménez Ganga offers a...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Office Buildings / Business Centers / Corporate Headquarters
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