SHOWROOM BULTHAUP | studio didea

Palermo / Italy / 2018

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Studio DiDeA realized the new Bulthaup Showroom in Palermo

Studio DiDeA was asked to design the new showroom for the German kitchen company bulthaup: a space reflecting the minimalist aesthetic of the brand: elegant but informal at the same time.

The venue  a commercial space with showcase window at street level is 140 square meter large. The display space integrates the Bulthaup systems outlining different scenarios for three different types of cuisine the company offers: B1, B2, B3.

The materials : serene stone and solid douglas panels,
chosen for their naturalness and soft tones, together with the lighting (2700 k) and the beige curtains create a comfortable and enveloping space.

The different materials used for vertical and horizontal surfaces allow to stage different environments but united by a warm materiality .

The different domestic spaces reveal themselves to the urban public through the large curtains, the only filter between the inside and the outside, in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows

The presence of a concrete pillar and a dismantled metal cavity, left deliberately in sight, recall another possible industrial scenario as a background for the kitchens.


La richiesta del cliente era quella di uno spazio espositivo per i sistemi cucina Bulthaup, concepito come fosse un living  e che rispecchiasse  l'estetica del marchio: minimale ed elegante ma  allo stesso tempo informale.

Lo spazio, un locale commerciale con vetrine al livello stradale, si sviluppa su un'area di 140 mq. È stata predisposta una superficie espositiva continua che integra i sistemi Bulthaup nello spazio, delineando scenari diversi per tre differenti  tipologie di cucina che l’azienda propone: B1, B2, B3.

I materiali utlilizzati: la pietra serena e i pannelli in massello di Douglas, scelti per la loro naturalezza, assieme all'illuminazione (2700 k) e ai tendaggi beige conferiscono allo spazio un'atmosfera dai toni morbidi, confortevole ed avvolgente.

La diversificazione materica delle superfici orizzontali e verticali permette di  mettere in scena ambienti diversi ma accomunati da una matericità calda.

I diversi ambienti “domestici” si svelano al pubblico urbano attraverso i grandi tendaggi,  unico filtro tra l’interno e l’esterno,  davanti alle grandi vetrate a filo   pavimento.

La presenza di un pilastro in cemento e di un cavedio dismesso in metallo, lasciati volutamente a vista, richiamano un altro possibile scenario industrial a fare da sfondo alle cucine.




Client: Bulthaup Palermo

Tasks: Refurbishment, interior design, construction supervision

Year: 2018

Place: Palermo, Italy 

Area: 140,00 mq

Contractor: Trianon srl

Home automation: G-Studio

Plant engineering: Montalto Impianti

Materials: Douglas Wood, Pietra Serena.

Floors: Douglas Wood, Pietra Serena.

Coatings: Douglas Wood, Pietra Serena.

Carpenter: Wood Farm by Nunzio Bonaccorso.

Poser: Giovanni Beninati;

Lighting: Delta light

Suppliers: Dinesen, Delta light, GLV design.

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    Studio DiDeA realized the new Bulthaup Showroom in Palermo Studio DiDeA was asked to design the new showroom for the German kitchen company bulthaup: a space reflecting the minimalist aesthetic of the brand: elegant but informal at the same time. The venue  a commercial space with showcase window at street level is 140 square meter large. The display space integrates the Bulthaup systems outlining different scenarios for three different types of cuisine the company offers: B1, B2,...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Work finished in 2018
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Showrooms/Shops / Interior Design
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