Mohawk River Dock | TZGroup design studio

Renewal of the river docks Schenectady / United States / 2018

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A former industrial site in Schenectady, New York, is now home to a mixed-use development and, most recently, a 50-slip marina for transient boaters. The Dock Doctors built the marina, which will also include an amphitheater and kayak launch. The floating docks are made of galvanized steel frames, with premium Ipe wood decking. Each slip has potable water hookups and metered electrical service with 30 or 60 amps available.

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    A former industrial site in Schenectady, New York, is now home to a mixed-use development and, most recently, a 50-slip marina for transient boaters. The Dock Doctors built the marina, which will also include an amphitheater and kayak launch. The floating docks are made of galvanized steel frames, with premium Ipe wood decking. Each slip has potable water hookups and metered electrical service with 30 or 60 amps available.

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Work started in 2018
    • Work finished in 2018
    • Client The Dock Doctors
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Waterfront / Urban Furniture / Government and institutional buildings / Neighbourhoods/settlements/residential parcelling / Restoration of old town centres / Landscape/territorial planning / Urban Renewal / River and coastal redevelopment / Recovery of industrial buildings / Building Recovery and Renewal
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