Wonderland House
Klanovice, Czech Republic Prague / Czech Rep. / 2014
A wonderland house outside of Prague where dad with two daughters, three cats and a labrador live a life on the other side of a mirror. We had the pleasure to decorate and style dining room and kids bedrooms.
More at: http://bit.ly/unlocked-klanovice
Photo: Jean-Claude Etegnot
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A wonderland house outside of Prague where dad with two daughters, three cats and a labrador live a life on the other side of a mirror. We had the pleasure to decorate and style dining room and kids bedrooms. More at: http://bit.ly/unlocked-klanovice Photo: Jean-Claude Etegnot
- Year 2014
- Status Completed works
- Type Interior Design
- Websitehttps://dreamhouse.cz/uid-projects/wonderland-house/