COI | Coral Mesika
How nomads want to live - when situated.
Coi is a is a 20m2 living unit located on the upper layer of the forest.
The unit is meant for nomads, looking to live in a simple way while connecting and disconnecting as they please.
Coi is super sufficient in its design, its name derives from the three parts that create it: the core, outer layer and inner layer.
Each layer is in charge of one function, making this compact living space exactly what it needs to be, whilst freeing the wanderers’ minds of any unnecessary materialistic clutter.
I would like to introduce this idea and to bring to discussion the term “living”.
How is the term changing in present times?
How can we embrace the change instead of fearing it?
In my opinion, it all comes down to planning and design.
Coi is a is a 20m2 living unit located on the upper layer of the forest. The unit is meant for nomads, looking to live in a simple way while connecting and disconnecting as they please. Coi is super sufficient in its design, its name derives from the three parts that create it: the core, outer layer and inner layer. Each layer is in charge of one function, making this compact living space exactly what it needs to be, whilst freeing the wanderers’ minds of any unnecessary materialistic...
- Year 2018
- Status Current works
- Type Neighbourhoods/settlements/residential parcelling / Landscape/territorial planning / Apartments / Single-family residence / Hotel/Resorts / Wellness Facilities/Spas / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Modular/Prefabricated housing / Lofts/Penthouses