House L.

Hall in Tirol / Austria / 2017

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[ENG] - In Tyrol the Ulrich Stöckl firm of architects designed a private residential building with öko skin slats in silver grey. The surfaces were sandblasted to different degrees, which gives the facade a greater sense of vibrancy.

[DE] - In Tirol gestaltete das Architekturbüro Ulrich Stöckl ein privates Wohnhaus mit öko skin Latten in silvergrey. Die unterschiedlich stark sandgestrahlten Oberflächen verleihen der Fassade mehr Lebendigkeit.


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    [ENG] - In Tyrol the Ulrich Stöckl firm of architects designed a private residential building with öko skin slats in silver grey. The surfaces were sandblasted to different degrees, which gives the facade a greater sense of vibrancy. [DE] - In Tirol gestaltete das Architekturbüro Ulrich Stöckl ein privates Wohnhaus mit öko skin Latten in silvergrey. Die unterschiedlich stark sandgestrahlten Oberflächen verleihen der Fassade mehr Lebendigkeit.  

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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