Flowerdale | Antarctica Architects

Flowerdale / Australia / 2012

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ANTARCTICA ARCHITECTS worked closely with the Flowerdale Community House Association in the design of its new building and garden.
The Flowerdale Community House rebuilds a site on the Silver Creek destroyed by the bush fires of 2009, and gives a new home to the wide range of local events that happen in this community house organisation.
The building is a low cost, lightly decorated shed which contains flexible public spaces, ranging from a hall to a medical consulting room.
Under the title of Build it Back Green, the project pursues a low tech, low energy and low toxicity approach. It collects and recycles its water; generates power through its photovoltaics. It uses recycled timber and carpets.
The large volume in the exposed truss roof structure tempers the indoor environment, connects the spaces visually and gives them a generosity pitched at the public, yet modest, environment.

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    ANTARCTICA ARCHITECTS worked closely with the Flowerdale Community House Association in the design of its new building and garden. The Flowerdale Community House rebuilds a site on the Silver Creek destroyed by the bush fires of 2009, and gives a new home to the wide range of local events that happen in this community house organisation. The building is a low cost, lightly decorated shed which contains flexible public spaces, ranging from a hall to a medical consulting room. Under the title of...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Client Flowerdale Community House Association
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Government and institutional buildings / multi-purpose civic centres / Interior Design
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