CAMPA House | PRINCIPIOATTIVO Architecture Group
Project for a private house in Milano Milan / Italy / 2016
The interior design concept reflects the building architecture of apertures and portals, framing and natural material. Material selections are curated to endure over time while palette options allow optimal and customised solutions for the individual. The soft muted palette of the apartments provides an alternative to the deeper tones and rich materiality of the townhouse palette.
Beautifully proportioned living spaces combine with an elegant layout create a space with 3 bathroom, 3 bedroom, one studio and a living room with kitchen in only 130 sqm..
The interior design concept reflects the building architecture of apertures and portals, framing and natural material. Material selections are curated to endure over time while palette options allow optimal and customised solutions for the individual. The soft muted palette of the apartments provides an alternative to the deeper tones and rich materiality of the townhouse palette. Beautifully proportioned living spaces combine with an elegant layout create a space with 3 bathroom, 3...
- Year 2016
- Work started in 2016
- Work finished in 2016
- Status Completed works
- Type Apartments / Interior Design