Lasa Penthouse | Gosplan architects
Genoa / Italy / 2016
The apartment is at the top of a building in the city centre of Genoa. It underwent a total refurbishment that pointed out the sloping roof, previously hidden by a plasterboard false ceiling, giving to the rooms a peculiar vertical extent. The wide rooms are separated by large sliding doors and the whole apartment is characterized by the pure white floor in Lasa marble. Also the fixed furniture are white varnished and the walls and ceilings are painted white, too. That produces a total white space and all the objects seem to float in it.
L'appartamento si trova all’ ultimo piano di un edificio nel centro di Genova. La ristrutturazione ha modificato profondamente gli ambienti cogliendo l’occasione per valorizzare il caratteristico tetto spiovente, precedentemente nascosto da un controsoffitto in cartongesso, conferendo così alle stanze una particolare estensione verticale. Le ampie stanze sono separate da grandi porte scorrevoli e l'intero appartamento è caratterizzato dal pavimento bianco puro in marmo Lasa. Gli arredi fissi, così come le pareti, sono colorati di bianco: questa combinazione ha prodotto uno spazio “total white” in cui sia gli oggetti che chi abita lo spazio sembrano quasi galleggiare.
(en) The apartment is at the top of a building in the city centre of Genoa. It underwent a total refurbishment that pointed out the sloping roof, previously hidden by a plasterboard false ceiling, giving to the rooms a peculiar vertical extent. The wide rooms are separated by large sliding doors and the whole apartment is characterized by the pure white floor in Lasa marble. Also the fixed furniture are white varnished and the walls and ceilings are painted white, too. That produces a total...
- Year 2016
- Status Completed works
- Type Apartments / Interior Design