Financo - Brest Guivapas | A3 Argouarch Architectes Associés

Brest / France

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The new headquarters of Financo inspires serenity and the optimism of a major financial institution. It is designed in compliance with the RT 2005,BBC certified EFFINERGIE - NF Tertiary Building. Technical equipment maximizes comfort and optimize consumption. The production of energy is performed by two reversible heat pumps implanted in a specific building, while a cold group serves areas operating in four tubes. The VMC double-flow is associated with climatic beams and brings hygienic air, heating and cooling in every office. The GTB system (Building Technical Management) pilot the set to manage and optimize the control of facilities and monitoring of consumption.

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    The new headquarters of Financo inspires serenity and the optimism of a major financial institution. It is designed in compliance with the RT 2005,BBC certified EFFINERGIE - NF Tertiary Building. Technical equipment maximizes comfort and optimize consumption. The production of energy is performed by two reversible heat pumps implanted in a specific building, while a cold group serves areas operating in four tubes. The VMC double-flow is associated with climatic beams and brings hygienic air,...

    Project details
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Corporate Headquarters
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