TPG Moscow / Russian Federation / 2017

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The main idea behind the sales office interior design concept is the preservation of historical
atmosphere of the complex and integration of modern solutions into this atmosphere. It is supposed to open metal
columns laid with bricks, having magnificent capitals and leaving the ceiling with Monier vaults without lining. Also
it is proposed to use glass blocks for the enclosing structure between the lobby and other rooms
sales office and apply concrete flooring, thereby drawing a certain common ideological line with
historical industrial function of this object.

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    The main idea behind the sales office interior design concept is the preservation of historicalatmosphere of the complex and integration of modern solutions into this atmosphere. It is supposed to open metalcolumns laid with bricks, having magnificent capitals and leaving the ceiling with Monier vaults without lining. Alsoit is proposed to use glass blocks for the enclosing structure between the lobby and other roomssales office and apply concrete flooring, thereby drawing a certain common...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Status Current works
    • Type Offices/studios / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Lofts/Penthouses
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