HAIKU | Chiara Scagliotti

casetta per ufficio Milan / Italy / 2012

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Interior Design Laboatory with Michele De Lucchi and Paola Silvia Coronel.

A home for office, Haiku is designed for people with stressful and difficult jobs as surgeons.

The workers can have a moment out from their work: distracting, relaxing, thinking and, why not, also working inside a little office house inspired by the Japanese tea houses.

Relaxing space with wooden platforms, water and gravel as the zen gardens.


Here the presentation project video: vimeo.com/113970861

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    Interior Design Laboatory with Michele De Lucchi and Paola Silvia Coronel. A home for office, Haiku is designed for people with stressful and difficult jobs as surgeons. The workers can have a moment out from their work: distracting, relaxing, thinking and, why not, also working inside a little office house inspired by the Japanese tea houses. Relaxing space with wooden platforms, water and gravel as the zen gardens.   Here the presentation project video: vimeo.com/113970861

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Status Research/Thesis
    • Type Office Buildings / Hospitals, private clinics
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