Evolo Skyscraper | Telemak Ananyan

Sierpinski-Menger Tower Yerevan / Armenia / 2018

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The source of inspiration for this work is so-called “Mathematical Chaos Games”. Fractal Geometry thoroughly studies and explores such phenomenon of chaos in nature. This field of mathematics is closely associated with the names of such prominent scientists as Mandelbrot, Prigogine and Barnsley, who argue that the border of conflicting forces is not a chaos, but a spontaneous emergence of self-organization at a higher level of cognition.

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    The source of inspiration for this work is so-called “Mathematical Chaos Games”. Fractal Geometry thoroughly studies and explores such phenomenon of chaos in nature. This field of mathematics is closely associated with the names of such prominent scientists as Mandelbrot, Prigogine and Barnsley, who argue that the border of conflicting forces is not a chaos, but a spontaneous emergence of self-organization at a higher level of cognition.

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Work started in 2018
    • Work finished in 2018
    • Client Evolo
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Office Buildings
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