Little House on the Prairie :-) | Katica Dubljevic [email protected]

Renovation of small house Croatia

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Small, existing house... in terrile consditions so the client dcides to change it/fix it! And we did something new and special! The clients are great, young entusiatic people so we had lot of "fun" creating this small house not "on the prarie" but by the sea...

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    Small, existing house... in terrile consditions so the client dcides to change it/fix it! And we did something new and special! The clients are great, young entusiatic people so we had lot of "fun" creating this small house not "on the prarie" but by the sea...

    Project details
    • Main structure Mixed structure
    • Status Research/Thesis
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Building Recovery and Renewal
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