Nonna Pina | Art Rooms - GrandMaMa Pina | Dario Vista
affittacamere Napoli / Italy / 2018
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- Year 2018
- Work started in 2017
- Work finished in 2018
- Status Current works
- Type Feasibility Studies / Apartments / Single-family residence / Multi-family residence / Social Housing / Country houses/cottages / Tower blocks/Skyscrapers / Offices/studios / Hotel/Resorts / Wellness Facilities/Spas / Tourist Facilities / Bars/Cafés / Restaurants / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Lighting Design / Graphic Design / Advertising / Photography / Student Halls of residence / Modular/Prefabricated housing / Yacht and vehicle design / Lofts/Penthouses / Furniture design / Product design / self-production design / Building Recovery and Renewal / Chalets, Mountains houses