The Wall House | Guedes Cruz Architects

Lisbon / Portugal / 2017

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Like a wall in a Castle not in stone, but in concrete, glass and wood.

Not for protection but because of the neighbours and the strong Atlantic Wind.

A Patio house with a Mediterranean country culture in the hardness Atlantic Coast.

A big Window opens to the golf and scenery sea views can be seen from the interior and exterior spaces.

Two exterior pool’s located in the patio crossing each other, one in the ground and the other in the air.

Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Area of the Plot: 2290m2
Construction Area: above ground - 532m2

below ground - 569m2

total - 1100m2
Architecture: Guedes Cruz Arquitectos - José Guedes Cruz, Marco Martínez Marinho, Cesar Marques Architecture Collaborators: Patrícia Maria Matos, Nelson Aranha
Construction company: Houselook
Landscaping: Guedes Cruz Arquitectos
Structure: PPE
Special installations: Espaço Energia
Supervision: Guedes Cruz Arquitectos

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    Like a wall in a Castle not in stone, but in concrete, glass and wood. Not for protection but because of the neighbours and the strong Atlantic Wind. A Patio house with a Mediterranean country culture in the hardness Atlantic Coast. A big Window opens to the golf and scenery sea views can be seen from the interior and exterior spaces. Two exterior pool’s located in the patio crossing each other, one in the ground and the other in the air. Location: Lisbon, Portugal Area of the Plot:...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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