Chatodo | Archiring Studio
Regional Commission for Youth and Sports in Manouba Manouba / Tunisia / 2017
PROGRAM: Reception, Offices, Meeting room, Archives
AREA: 810 sqm
CLIENT: Tunisian Ministry of Sport
STATUT: Competition entry
Site Information
- Land area = 4800m² Project area = 800m²
- Disproportion between the project and the land s’surfaces and risk of wasting of land surface.
- In the north Flat agricultural areas.
- A very windy terrain and a necessity to a protection from the prevailing winds.
-Terrain located at the end of the Zone of Sports facilities.
Project Responses
- Shading devices in order to reduce direct radiation.
- Central patio to moderate atmosphere ‘s ardour ,reduce needs in heating and air-conditioning and ensure natural ventilation.
- The circle has the smallest perimeter for a given area.
- Reduced surface area enables savings in materials.
- Compact form and functional organization rationalized according to the different levels: Second Floor: Management and Administration, First Floor: Administration, Ground Floor : Public Spaces and Services.
-Implementation of the project at the limit of the alignment order on the RL 525 road in order to use the minimum land area and keep a 66% land reserve for the future development of the area.
-Protection of prevailing winds by the cylindrical shape which present the best way to dissipate it
- An iconic project for a project to maintain the management of neighboring sports facilities.
PROGRAM: Reception, Offices, Meeting room, ArchivesLOCATION: Manouba - TUNISIAAREA: 810 sqmCLIENT: Tunisian Ministry of SportSTATUT: Competition entry Site Information- Land area = 4800m² Project area = 800m²- Disproportion between the project and the land s’surfaces and risk of wasting of land surface.- In the north Flat agricultural areas.- A very windy terrain and a necessity to a protection from the prevailing winds.-Terrain located at the...
- Year 2017
- Work started in 2016
- Work finished in 2017
- Main structure Mixed structure
- Client Tunisian Ministry of Sport
- Status Competition works
- Type Government and institutional buildings / Office Buildings